Michal VálkaSept. 1, 2020

PEnetration TEsting Proxy (PETEP)

Capturing network communication based on the TCP protocol and modifying it by creating a specialized Man-in-the-Middle proxy is one of many practices used for searching for security flaws in network applications. In this article, we will focus on the use of the cross-platform open-source application PETEP for testing fat clients using TCP protocols and show a simplified attack procedure on a sample vulnerable application.

Erik ŠabíkAug. 22, 2019

Real-Life Web App Hacking

Web server compromising very rarely means exploiting only one critical vulnerability, as can be seen for example in Hollywood movies. On the contrary, this type of compromising is usually possible due to a chain series of less serious, sometimes almost absurd, vulnerabilities. In this article, we will describe a real-life scenario in which it was exactly the chain of several vulnerabilities leading to a complete compromise of the web server.